Fostering Connection within the Design Community

While the world is going through a massive evolution in the way we work, those of us in creative fields have been faced with the challenge to confront the juxtaposition between productivity and creativity. It can be difficult to measure a definitive time spent on producing a tangible outcome when the precursor for that work cannot be contained to a set schedule. Creativity can come at any time and often manifests itself in moments that are not the most convenient. While this tension has been understood by artists and designers for a long time, it’s been highlighted in the last year as the relationship between our work lives and home lives have blurred. It can feel isolating to confront these unavoidable circumstances; however we have found that collaboration through community with other creative folks can provide a profound sense of resonance.

The power lies within that recognition, that ability for another person to relate to us in a way that speaks to the very essence of who we are and the work that we do. We are, in fact, multidimensional beings and our need for connection only grows more palpable in isolation. The paradox we face is that isolation convinces us to remain in a place of solitude through critical self-doubt. This self-doubt restricts our creative flow, and often puts us in a state of stagnation. We may be producing visible work, but it is being formulated and filtered through a creatively-resigned lens. The simple method to breaking this cycle is connection with others; sharing in this struggle and moving past it by bringing it to the light gives us the freedom to let go of fear. Fear of not being understood, fear of our work not being embraced, or the rudimentary fear of just not being good enough.

By connecting with others, we are reminded that our power exists within our ability to create consciously and with an aptitude towards curiosity. Community not only provides  a sense of self-acceptance, but also lends itself to be a powerful tool in collaboration during the creative process. Ideas are most malleable in their infancy, and if we are open to welcoming others into that vulnerable creative space, it provides an opportunity for magic.

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