Team Member Profile: Meet Dylan

Meet one of our newest fabricators here at Aberdeen Studio, Dylan Palmer. A classic enneagram 2, he is a thoughtful team player, and already, his approach to blending digital + analog methods in the carpentry world is helping us to continue to grow as a best-in-class, bespoke design + fabrication studio.


Q: What is your personal design ethos and how do you carry that through your work?

A: Creating functional designs that are guided by digital methods to allow for a seamless finished product.

Q: How do you remain curious and imaginative throughout each of your projects?

A: I enjoy challenging myself throughout projects by trying to merge digital and physical design methods. Utilizing digital programs such as CNC and 3D modeling can allow for new creative solutions for achieving a seamless physical product.

Q: What part of the design process do you find most creative in practice?

A: I find early stage development, working digitally to model and draw out ideas, allows for you to explore many ideas to then build a piece that utilizes the least amount of material.

Q: How do you marry both concept and execution in your projects?

A: For me understanding the concept through drawing and discussion allows for a quick and well-executed final product. 


Q: COVID-19 really made us reevaluate how our work lives and personal lives intersect. How do you separate the two and what practices do you implement to keep your mental health at the forefront?

A: I schedule time for myself outside of work to work on hobbies, relationships and time to relax.  This allows my mental health to stay strong and keeps me motivated when returning back to work.

Q: Often in the construction industry, deadlines, scheduling, and coordination can feel very all-consuming and demanding of immediate attention. How do you allow yourself space to move throughout this process in a way that is honoring to your own mental health and also give yourself the permission to remain present in this overall life experience?

A: Creating a timeline of goals to hit while working through the project helps me understand the time needed to achieve a deadline.  Once I break down the project I am able to schedule time to focus on my personal life while not feeling stressed about the deadline.

Q: Why do you think the stigma behind mental health and work + life balance is just now being reexamined globally and in what ways do you hope to see our world shift in implementing new practices of self-care?

A: Currently, there is a lot of experimentation with the 4-day work week.  After experiencing this firsthand, I believe giving one extra time to promote self-care, personal goals, and time management is very beneficial. Having this extra day during the week allows for increased self-care and a boosted work-life balance.

Q: What’s your enneagram and how does it resonate with you?

A: 2; Throughout life I have always enjoyed going out of my way for people and being helpful.  My enneagram being 2 represents me well, I tend to be on the lookout for people who may be struggling to do something alone and am happy to help.


Q: Most frequented Nashville restaurant?

A: Deg Thai

Q:Favorite local music venue?

A: I have only attended a concert at Bridgestone in Nashville.......

Q: Most binge-watched show?

A: Bob's Burgers

Q: Your go-to comfort nostalgia movie?

A: Hot Rod

Q: Something surprising about you?

A: I have a bachelor's degree in Architecture and Design.

Q: What could we find you doing on any given Saturday afternoon?

A: On a nice Saturday afternoon, I enjoy going for a bike ride on the greenway.

Q: And lastly, tell us something about yourself that you like, and why it’s an important part of who you are and how you exist in the world.

A: When working through an issue in a project or an obstacle in my day-to-day, I am thankful for my patience. It allows me to stay calm and figure out the issue without getting frustrated and come to a solution. I believe this allows me to stay happy and not get upset in challenging moments.